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The first project of our junior year was to design new logos for our RBRHSTV news station. For my design, I brainstormed four different ideas, but decided to keep a simplistic feel to all of them. I ended up deciding to continue designing the logo you see to the right.


The logo features a blacked out Buc logo in the back, and is kept aligned by two bars at the top and bottom of the text. I masked out the Buc logo so that it would look as it were behind the text and become more readable. 



3D Movies

For our second project of the 2022-2023 year, we revisited the stop-motion film, but instead created our movies in 3D this year. Ray and I decided to piggyback off last year's plot and created a 3D version of "The Well." I created a storyboard, 3D sets, characters, and set to work.

To film my project, I needed to create flying ghosts and would circle and transform the main character, so I attached fishing line to the clay characters and practiced keeping them moving in a steady motion. After I began skilled in controlling the characters, I was able to film, then completely edit my film.


Voting PSAs

Our third project of the year was to create a voting PSA that we would submit into a voting contest. The video had to feature the three ways to vote, as well as some of our own creativity. I decided to create an informative video that featured different interviews.

I interviewed three different people, one of them being myself, on what voting means to them. I then took b-roll footage of people going through the process of voting, and blended this in with the interviews. My voting PSA was complete.


Music Videos

Our fourth project of the year was to create a music video of ourselves, similar to last year's project. I immediately thought of one of my favorite music videos, "Stan" by Eminem. I started by creating a storyboard featuring screenshots from the actual video. I then printed the lyrics of the song so I can recite them on camera.

Once I was prepared, I started filming for my music video, which I did in the office of our classroom. I recorded myself reciting the song from many different locations, which I would cut together, and even used a mask to create a seamless transition between rooms during post-production.



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Once again, we completed a locker project, where we had to design a school locker that highlights our personality. 

My locker featured my dog, posters with strong work ethic, a Star Wars poster, a camera, a dumbbell and chicken, a Transformers poster, as well as one of my favorite albums. The locker is titled "Andy Salvo MP3" and highlights the important parts of my personality well.


Class Intros

For this year's Media Production intro, I decided to use the Guardians of the Galaxy intro as my inspiration. This intro features Chris Pratt dancing to "Come and Get Your Love." I blended together the first and second movies' intros, so I could incorporate two people. 

I began by collecting props to use as a Walkman radio and filmed myself dancing to the song, then seeing the other character, played by Ray, whom I got punched by. I ended the intro with bold text reading "Media Production Vol. 3." My intro was complete.


Alternate Ending

For our Alternate Ending assignment, I decided to edit the ending of the movie SE7EN. I gathered clips from the film online and began editing them in order to change how it ends. In the original movie, the main character Dave shoots John Doe, but I edited it so that Dave instead shoots Morgan Freeman's character.

I utilized a voice creation software in order to replicate Morgan Freeman's voice in order to change the movie's ending even more, and then added context by using suspenseful text at the beginning.

How To Video

For my How To video, I decided to create a satirical piece on "How to write a letter." I wanted this video to be extremely dramatic in a funny way, so I began to planning out the classical music that I would like to use.

I then began filming Ray as the character who is writing the letter. I got very dramatic shots of him scribbling on a piece of a paper, all for it to end by him writing "sup dawg." I think that the combination of the dramatic shots and the energetic classical music as well as the short, funny message written by Ray added to the satirical effect of my How To video.

Red Carpet

Our final project of our junior year was our Red Carpet film. After careful consideration, I decided that I would incorporate my year-long out of school project, sports media, into my Red Carpet film. My final project would be a Sports Center Top 10 style highlight reel.

I began by gathering what I thought were my Top five clips that I had filmed throughout the year, and then wrote a script for Ray and I to read while we commentate the five clips. Then we headed to the studio and filmed the newsroom portion of the video in a very energetic way. I then combined the footage of Ray and I, my sports clips, and music into what is now my junior year Red Carpet film, "RBR Top 5."

Morning Announcement Videos

Throughout the year, Ray and I worked on producing different videos that would be used in special segments of the morning announcements. The two videos we created are the Heart gram Announcement video and the Battle of the Classes video.

I was the cameraman for both of these videos and was responsible for organizing all the actors we used in our videos. For the heart gram video specifically, there was a lot of timing practice that went into making the video perfect.

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